Sunday, January 26, 2014


Well it's been a while folks, and I would say a lot has happened....but that's probably a lie. I did get my drivers license but it wasn't that cool. Actually I failed my first drivers test, but it wasn't 100% my fault. I'll talk about my driving later though, but right now I have to blog about a current obsession before it goes away and I have nothing interesting to talk about at all.
So anyway, I've discovered the world of tattoos.
I've always liked tattoos, select ones of course, the tasteful ones, but I really didn't know anything about them. Well a couple of days ago, maybe like on tuesday, I was watching project runway allstars on hulu and I looked at suggestions and there was a show called Best Ink. I know, I know, it sounds lame. Incredibly lame. And actually it is a pretty lame show, so I switched and watched a show called Ink Master (which probably isn't much better but I enjoyed it). Both of those shows are exactly like project runway, but instead of creating dresses and such people tattoo....other people. Like on their skin. So if they mess up it will ruin that persons life. So on this show the people they do the tattoos on are called 'the skins', like they're not even people or anything, which I thought was pretty weird. But also the tattoo artists have an incredibly short amount of time to do the tattoo, like 6 hours each, where tattoo artists usually get 12. If I was a 'skin' I'd be so incredibly freaked out.
Those shows are pretty much lame, but from them I do know what's important in tattoos now. Line work, color, dots and stuff, shading, and all that good stuff. And I think I've had an epiphany, because I can't wait to become a tattoo artist. I'm set on it. I'm really super duper set on becoming a tattoo artist, and my mom thinks I'm just saying that I like tattoos to spite her (seeing that I'm Jewish and all, and Jews can't get any marks on their skin), but I love tattoos. I know it hasn't even been a week, but tattoos are just so cool and exciting and awesome.
You guys just won't understand.
No one will understand.