Saturday, February 9, 2013

After the Pause

There's been a huge gap in my writing, almost two weeks I'm pretty sure. I have nothing to write about. I mean, I could write about the Winter Formal dance that was last weekend or about all the unfair things teachers did this week, or anything I want. But I just haven't.
My parents found out about my blog when I casually mentioned it, which is a stupid mistake on my part. But stuff happens, so it's all good.
My dad thought I sounded like a jerk, and my mom thinks that everyone in the internet is only there to rip you off in someway. Her thought progression went something like: comment on blog post, follow blogger, chat with you, find your address, go to your house, steal all the things.
I think she also talked about how this blog will ruin my future and about all the pedophiles cruising the interweb during her ten minute lecture.
So anyway, I considered ending this blog, seeing that I don't really do much on it, and all the people who read this I know, so I could tell them about the things I write here, but in person. But then I realized that I'm having fun writing this, so that's all that counts. Right? I write this blog to create a more mature writing style....not. Not at all.
So I think I'll start blogging more again. Yep.

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