Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Some gym stuff

So I haven't blogged recently.
Actually I probably shouldn't have said that, because that's how I start all my posts nowadays. Some of my computer keys have started making a really disturbing crunching noise whenever I press them, mainly my caps lock key. This is probably because graham cracker crumbs are stuck under the key or something disgusting like that. 
I eat a lot of graham crackers.
If you haven't tried graham crackers and milk you should do it now. You dip the graham crackers in the milk and once they're soggy enough it actually tastes good. I also recommend dipping challah bread in grape juice. That's what I always did in hebrew school. You get like a shot glass sized amount of grape juice in a paper cup and an individual roll of challah. I lived for that. 
Anyway, what I wanted to talk about in this post is gym class, which is going to start a long chain of rant posts. I suck at it. 
There is no way for someone to suck at "trying their very best at every activity", but maybe that's why I'm failing. Why the hell would I try hard at ballroom dancing, which a unit we had for six weeks. Why would I try hard at badminton? (actually I got pretty into that, but I bombed the test because I didn't cheat like the rest of my class. I mean seriously, who expects their students to know the dimensions of a badminton court (which, by the way, is 20' by 44) and who gives tests in gym!)
Maybe it's my carefree attitude, which I take great pride in. Gym teachers expect a certain amount of fear in their students, and I'm pretty sure they love the sound of kids unhappiness when they yell "run six laps around the field!" or some random bullshit like that. Gym teachers have to realize that their class isn't a real class, no offense gym teachers. But gym is about physical fitness, and I guess learning sports, but not really learning anything. So basically kids are graded on their "drive and effort", what drive is there in gym class? The drive to want to beat every kid in my badminton class? Noooooo. 
I have no drive to want to do well at sports, so I just don' well. Eh whatevs. 

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