Monday, April 1, 2013

Opinions on Las Vegas

Now, I try not to be a hater. Seriously, I know to some people it might seem like I enjoy complaining about things. This is true, but that doesn't mean I can't be positive.
This post though, is not going to positive, because that kind of stuff is lame and....just incredibly lame. So I will complain about Vegas.
I don't want people to get the idea that I literally just criticize with no basis for it, but on Saturday I went to Vegas to catch a plane back to Chicago. So I know what the place is like.
I know its ways.
What really surprised me when I went there was how trashy it was. I mean, ever since I heard about the pyramid that was there I knew there was something a little weird going on. But there's even more! It isn't just the place, but the people as well.
I don't usually judge on makeup (for real, I really don't), because everyone has their own style. But the rings of sparkles and glitter and blue eyeshadow and liner around these peoples eyes were absurd! The makeup covered as big an area as the eye itself. That's over the top in my opinion.
Everything is over the top there. The drinks people buy from this place called Fat Tuesdays (I'm pretty sure, it could also be Fat Thursday, but I don't give a crap), these drinks contained 130 ounces of liquid in them, strictly alcohol. And people were just walking around on the streets with these absurdly huge plastic trashy cups. Among these young alcoholics walked hords of spanish speakers who were advertising call girls and grabbing at anyone who went by to see if they'd like some companionship. Some of these spanish speakers were small little old women who definitely didn't seem like they belonged on the street wearing t-shirts advertising prostitution. It's depressing actually.
The other kind of shocking thing, to me at least, were the children. People actually bring little kids on vacation to this place! What? Why?? What are the kids going to do, gamble? These kids were among the throngs of people walking on the street at 10 pm at night. When I was that little I would probably have been asleep. 10 pm is the time I was sufficiently pooped out on vacation.
The hotels were also quite gruesome. We went to this place, called the Venetian, where there were canals running through the center of the indoor streets, where men in cheesy looking costumes paddled people up and down these pathetic canals. The ceiling in this indoor Venice was painted sky, so it added to the depressing facade of the whole place.
I could go on and on, from the slot machines in the airport to the pathetic reproduction of famous Italian sculptures, to the eiffel tower a couple blocks down from our hotel. But then I would get carried away, and just keep on writing random shit. So I'll spare myself that.

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